Skip New Game Intro Mod

by Ellirium115 for Windows 10

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Skip New Game Intro on New Vegas

Are you stuck in the Skip New Game Intro problem? Does it annoy you when you get to a certain point and there’s no option to turn it off? I sure do, which is why I made this guide. I was at one point in my game and got to an unexpected cave that took me to a new part of the Commonwealth. I had no way of turning off my new game but I didn’t want to risk ruining things, so I just started a new game. That was several hours ago though and I’m already dreading the rest of the game!

The funny thing about it is that the Skip New Game Intro is actually a very simple thing that could have easily been created by anyone. For those of you who are playing on PC, you can just right click on your desktop and select properties, then go to settings. You can change the resolution that your game is being played on (it’s usually set to highest quality), adjust the game’s fullscreen mode, and select the format that you want to use. There are many other options, but we’ll stick to the most important ones for now, skip New Vegas skips Intro, created by Elliriumonder.

I had no idea what the purpose of this mod was but I checked it out and was pretty surprised. It doesn’t even require a download, it will install itself and then take you through a quick cut scene showing you how to get past the skip New Vegas part of the game. It’s an easy mod to install and I highly recommend it. It’s very simple but it works well. It was one of the first mods made for New Vegas and I’ll be honest, it’s probably going to be the same for all future releases.