SketchPic Pencil Photo Sketch

by Waitos AI for Android 9.0

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A free app for Android, by Waitos AI.

This is an easy-to-use app that lets you convert any photo to a pencil sketch, making it look like a spectacular sketch drawing.

You can choose the photo from your gallery or take it with the camera and with a single click create a beautiful artwork.

SketchPic Pencil Photo Sketch has a wide variety of art effects and filters for photos and sketch filters:

These art effects and filters have been chosen in such a way that they cover all possible art filter so you can create your artwork.

The app also has a custom-fit tool to give your artwork the perfect look.

How does SketchPic work?

SketchPic uses an artificial intelligence “AI” model that implements photo editor effects to the chosen image, being able to choose from a wide variety of filters for image, especially pencil sketch drawing filters.