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Sniff out unstable code and correct errors

If you’re a software developer working within the .NET Framework then SimpleIPC may be able to help you remove unstable coding that may lead to software crashes.

The first thing to note is that SimpleIPC is strictly for software developers who know what they’re doing because it takes considerable understanding to begin with. Once mastered however, SimpleIPC will allow your application to delegate work to another process on the same machine. This could be useful for example if your software is suffering memory leakages that would normally lead to running errors or significant interruptions.

The reason for this is that SimpleIPC runs certain selective parts of the application code in ‘containers’ rather than within the main part of the application. If one of these processes crash, it is one of the IPC servers that crashes, not the main application.

SimpleIPC comes with a nice GUI that any developer will easily be able to follow. System Settings, Sever Setting, Logic Settings etc are clearly accessible via tabs that run across the top of the app. By configuring these, you can ultimately perform simulated tests on the IPC servers to see how your code is performing before you release it.

The instruction manual is available on the developer’s site as a separate download and is essential reading for anyone considering using SimpleIPC. The manual includes handy step-by-step instructions for tasks such as implementing object pooling and calling web services that will give you an idea of what SimpleIPC can do.

If you’re a developer worried about the stability of your software in Windows, SimpleIPC could help you iron out any errors.