SimCity Societies

by ea for Windows Vista

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Build the city of your dreams

The SimCity saga is a classic in the world of videogames. Its attractive mixture of strategy and simulation elements along with a high level of detail has made a real success from it.

SimCity Societies is one of the last representatives of this popular series: a new title that follows the SimCity line, but adding more and more elements from The Sims, the other successful saga created by EA. In a way, we could say the game is now easier to play – something which newcomers will be thankful for – while still keeps the same addictive elements for hardcore SimCity players.

In SimCity Societies you have the possibility to create very different towns, not only in aspect, but also in their values. From creativity to spirituality, from knowledge to production, the values of your city will affect its general design and layout.

Another distinctive feature is the attention paid to your citizens, not just as a crowd of people, but actually caring about their individual needs and feelings. You can click on anyone of them and see how they’re doing, where they work and whether they’re happy of not.

We also find this incredible level of detail in the game’s graphics. You can freely move around with your mouse and use the wheel to zoom up to street level, until you’re able to see your citizens’ faces. There’s also a huge array of objects (homes, workplaces, shop and the like) you can choose from and combine anyway you want. On the downside, this means that you have so much information in the game’s interface that it can become really overwhelming for first-time players.

SimCity Societies is, in short, a very entertaining game: the kind of title that you can play for hours without noticing the passing of time. Also, it’s a great chance for you to start playing the SimCity saga if you haven’t played any of these titles before.

SimCity Societies is the evolution of the original SimCity saga: a strategy building simulator that will get you hooked before you can even notice it.

In SimCity Societies players start by choosing from a variety of more than 350 building types, each of which allows them to combine, connect and re-arrange structures freely. They can challenge authority and experiment with what happens when citizens flagrantly disobey power in an unruly Orwellian society. Or if players are feeling happy, they can build a Fun City filled with Ferris Wheels, Gingerbread Houses and Chocolate Factories!

Inspiration can come from a wide range of architectural periods ranging from the realistic to the fanciful; from the industrial age to futuristic designs, with each structure reflecting its name and nature, many offering a click-on action for fans to play upon! As each city evolves, players will be able to unlock new buildings that can help advance or regress their society.

SimCity Societies introduces an all-new, revolutionary feature set for players to combine buildings that will produce or consume new kinds of resources called “social energies”. How you mix and match these resources – industry, wealth, obedience, knowledge, devotion, or creativity – determines the social energy of your city. Will your city be happy and creative, spiritual and knowledgeable, will it be wealthy and powerful or obedient and fearful? Its fate is in your hands!