Signer.Digital Digital Signature, PKI for chrome from Chartered Information Systems Pvt. Ltd.
Digital Signature is the method of using cryptographic techniques to make sure that the contents of a document have not been changed since it was signed. This is useful for two main purposes. First, it allows you to prove that the document was in fact signed by the person who claims to have done so. Second, it provides you with an authentication token that can be used to prove that the person who signed the document is the same person who claims to be the owner of the document.
Using the Signer.Digital Digital Signature extension for Chrome, you can create, sign, and download digital certificates, as well as create and download public/private keys. You can use these to sign and verify documents, or to provide other types of authentication.
Signing is a two-step process. First, you need to make a request to the Signer.Digital web service, which will calculate the signature. Then, you need to paste the signature into the document you want to sign. You will be given a new certificate that you can use to prove that the document was signed by the person who claims to have done so.
To sign a document, you will need a digital signature certificate, a document to be signed, and the private key associated with the certificate.