SG ERP: Rates Avoid ERP – An App to Avoid Gantry Charges
SG ERP: Rates Avoid ERP is a free Android app developed by Bohmian that provides users with real-time rates and timings of Electronic Road Pricing (ERP) gantries in Singapore. One of the latest features includes a journey planner that helps users plan their route to avoid ERP gantries.
The app has a user-friendly interface with two main tabs: Map and Search. The Map tab shows the user’s location and the locations of ERP gantries around them. The gantries are displayed directly on the map, and clicking on them displays their rates for other time periods. Users can also choose to grey out inactive ERP gantries charging $0. The Search tab displays a list of all ERP gantries by default and users can search for a specific gantry by name and filter search results by major roads such as AYE, CTE, Orchard Cordon (OC), etc.
Users can set their vehicle type and day of the week, and save these settings. The app even allows users to set a default ERP gantry that can be set to automatically load when the app starts up.
Overall, SG ERP: Rates Avoid ERP is a helpful app for those who want to save money on their daily commute in Singapore.