SEORadar Crawl & Audit: An SEO Disaster Avoidance System for Google Chrome
The only real way to avoid disaster in SEO is to prepare. And the only way to prepare is to prevent disaster from happening in the first place.
Every day the SEO team at SEORadar scans the web for changes that could affect your ranking. Changes to your site or folder names, page titles, images, or any other change that could impact your ranking. If we find anything that we think you should know about, we’ll alert you and give you the ability to view the change before it goes live.
The Chrome extension allows you to view the source code of the page that you are on, and to view the code for any page you want. You can even save the page for later viewing.
We will also show you what the page looked like at the time that it was last checked. This will give you a better idea of what changes have happened.
We also have a system that allows us to upload and store any screenshot that you want to be able to see later. It will give you an idea of what the page looked like when it was last checked.
We will also send you alerts when there are changes that we think you should be aware of. Changes to code, page titles, images, styles, or any other change that could impact your ranking. You can subscribe to updates of our disaster report.