SBM Mobile

by Serena Software for Android 13.0

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SBM Mobile: Workflow Automation on the Go

SBM Mobile is a free Android application developed by Serena Software that enables users to manage processes and automate workflows on their mobile devices. It is an extension of the Solutions Business Manager (SBM), which is designed to automate processes and provide transparency across an organization.

With SBM Mobile, users can choose a process app to work with, operate using a customized mobile dashboard, and view graphical and listing reports on their mobile devices. They can also receive notifications, submit new items, and choose between full form or simple form formats to manipulate form data in a way suitable for their mobile devices.

The application enables users to execute transitions on items and move them through the workflow, search for items and reports, input data from barcodes and QR codes, and work with items and forms offline. SBM Mobile empowers users to manage their workflows on the go, increasing productivity and efficiency.