Sat24 Weather satellite: The Ultimate Realtime Weather App for Europe!
Looking for an app that provides the most accurate and up-to-date weather information for Europe? Look no further than Sat24 Weather satellite by The Meteo Company. This free app is available exclusively for Android 9.0 and provides the best realtime satellite information for Europe and other continents.
With updates every 5 minutes, Sat24 Weather satellite displays high resolution satellite images that show the current weather conditions across Europe. The app also includes several real-time and forecasted rain radars for countries like Germany, Netherlands, UK, and France, including radar forecasts.
One of the most unique features of this app is its Rainalert system, which alerts you to incoming rain based on the app’s unique three-hour rain forecast system for Europe. Whether you’re at home or traveling across Europe, Sat24 Weather satellite is the ultimate realtime weather app that provides you with all the information you need to stay safe and prepared for whatever weather comes your way.