Rubiks Cube : Cube Solver

by DotFinger Games for Android 9.0

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A full version program for Android, by DotFinger Games.

Do you know how to solve the Rubik’s Cube?

If you don’t, don’t worry! You can learn how to solve the Rubik’s Cube with the help of this free app.

Do you know what a Rubik’s Cube is?

It is a classic puzzle that has fascinated fans for decades. It is an incredibly addictive and brain teaser that will challenge your mind and problem-solving skills.

How to solve a Rubik’s Cube

1. You will need to download this app.

2. Open it and tap the “New” button.

3. Choose the difficulty level.

4. You can either use your own time or use the built-in timer.

5. Once you are finished, you can save your results and share them with your friends.