
by GASP for Android 13.0

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Riddler: A Fun and Challenging Riddle Game for Android Users

Riddler is a free Android game developed by GASP that falls under the category of card games. It offers a unique and engaging gameplay experience that challenges players to solve hundreds of riddles.

The game is easy to play, and the objective is simple: solve the riddle to move to the next level. To solve the riddle, players need to tap on the letters to form a solution. If they make a mistake, they can simply tap on the letter in the solution to clear it. The game also offers hints at a cost, which players can use to either remove unused letters or suggest the next letter.

One of the best things about Riddler is that it offers different difficulty levels. Players can switch between easy, medium, and hard mode, depending on their skill level. The riddles are witty and funny, making the game enjoyable for all ages. Overall, Riddler is a fun and challenging game that will keep players entertained for hours.