Remove PGD Greek Letters – Eliminate Phi Gamma Delta’s Greek letters from all webpages
Remove PGD Greek Letters is an extension that removes Phi Gamma Delta’s Greek letters from all web pages.
PGD has a rule of four: a member must have at least four letters in the Greek alphabet, which are also known as the “seven places.”
This rule is important because those two letters (the ΦΛ) are used to differentiate ΦΛ from Phi ΛΥ, which is also used to differentiate the name of the fraternity itself.
We also have the letter Υ, which is a stand-in for the word “union” in the acronym, ΦΛΥ.
PGD requires members to have at least one occurrence of every Greek letter on each page of their website, regardless of the context or intended usage. This means that in the case of ΦΛ, ΦΛ must appear on at least one website, whether in text or HTML.
Why are we making an extension for this?
When making this extension, we discovered that it was being used to hack other sites, so we added the option to remove it from the list of allowed domains, which also prevents it from causing server-side problems for you.
What does it do?
Remove PGD Greek Letters and removes the Greek letters from all the webpages, including text and HTML.
This means that even if you write ΦΛ in your text, it will not be used.
You can also turn the extension off and on again, so you don’t need to delete the extension from your browser’s Extensions list and add it to your whitelist again.