Reddit Next

by ayurmedia for

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Read Reddit Next: A New Way to Stay Updated with Reddit News

Reddit Next is a Chrome add-on developed by ayurmedia that offers a unique way to read Reddit news. With this add-on, users can click on the toolbar button to open two windows side by side. The larger window on the left displays the current Reddit post, while the smaller window on the right shows the comments for that post.

The add-on utilizes a mobile layout to fit nicely into the sidebar, ensuring a seamless browsing experience. Clicking the toolbar button again will load the next post in the list, allowing users to easily navigate through the content. The add-on also provides customization options, allowing users to set their preferred subreddit and exclude subreddits they don’t like.

To finish reading, users simply need to close both windows. The windows are reusable, so users only have two open windows at a time. The add-on requires users to pin the Reddit Next icon to the Chrome toolbar due to changes in the toolbar. The icon also indicates when new posts are being loaded via RSS from the Reddit website.

Overall, Reddit Next is a useful add-on for Reddit enthusiasts who want to read posts and comments side by side in a convenient and efficient manner.