Reddit Check

by Hrishikesh Bakshi for

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How to Use Reddit Check

Reddit Check is a tool that allows you to check the status of any submission or comment on Reddit. It quickly checks if the current URL you are on has been submitted to Reddit. If a link has been submitted, you will be shown the link to the Reddit submission page. If a link has not yet been submitted, you will be shown a button to submit the link.

What is Reddit?

Reddit is an online community where users can submit links and comments on posts, and vote on them. A submission or comment is made by clicking a button in the upper right. The button will open the link in a new tab and the content will appear on the page. When the content is finished loading, it will be replaced by a button.

A comment is added by either clicking the button to the right of the post, or the comment button.

A link is added by clicking the button that looks like a chain link.

How to use Reddit Check

There are two tabs: Submission and Comments.

For each tab, you will see the URL of the current page, the URL of the post you are currently on, the number of comments, and the post count.

The URL for the current page is the URL of the current page. If the URL is on Reddit, the post count will be shown.

If a submission is made, the post count is shown.

If a comment is made, the number of comments is shown.

The button to submit a link will show a popup with the URL of the website.