Redbubble Trends & Popular Tags

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Redbubble Trends & Popular Tags – SEO Assistant

Redbubble Trends & Popular Tags is a web extension for users to find tags and search keywords present depending on their popularity. It also helps them to increase their sales on their shop pages. With its help, they can easily discover easy to rank keywords and tags at a glance.

How does it work?

1. Visit the Redbubble shop page or search for any keyword

2. Click on the red icon resembling a magnifying glass to open the Redbubble Trends & Popular Tags

3. Enter your license key to activate the extension

4. Once the license is activated under every search term or tag you will see the difficulty indicator, the research table containing easy-to-rank keywords and the copy tag icon present on all listings’ images

5. Click on the filter button and choose “Search For Popularity”

6. Choose tags from the list to search for easy-to-rank keywords

7. Click on the “Download” button to download the list of keywords