
by Google LLC for Android 9.0

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Free auto-transcriber app for mobile

The Recorder app is a free multimedia application developed by Google LLC. As its name suggests, this software is an audio recorder that allows you to record voiced audio. However, its capabilities do not end there. It automatically transcribes your recorded audio, so you can both read and search for specific parts of the recorder apps. The Recorder is a pretty simple app as compared to other recorder programs. Hence, it struggles when it comes to more advanced features. However, that does not mean that it is not worth downloading. If you are looking for something straightforward to use after a few times, this program can still be of help to you.

Quick transcriber

In simple terms, audio transcription is the written account of any verbal communication. Whether it’s a class lecture or a little play between two actors, recording the audio of the interaction and transcribing the words heard into a text format is what audio transcription is all about. Traditionally, this requires someone actually writing or typing down what they’re hearing. 

However, we nowadays have speech recognition technology that enables us to merely turn on a recording program and lets its AI transcribe for us. There are lots of automated and computer-generated transcription programs out there, and Recorder by Google is one of them. The Recorder has most of the basic features you would expect. It has the Record Mode, of course, and afterward, you can switch from Audio to Transcript with ease. 

The app will show different timestamps containing the text—and this allows you to actually search for words in case you can’t remember which part someone said something. After that, you can choose to share your recordings with either your contacts or through social media. Unfortunately, Recorder lacks a lot in features, such as auto-save to Google Drive and customization of recording labels with specific dates. This app still works well enough for audio-to-text tasks, though.