Realistic Ragdolls and Force Mod

by dDefinder for Windows 10

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Free physics overhaul mod

Realistic Ragdolls and Force is a free mod available for Skyrim and SSE that tweaks the physics of the game similar to HDT Physics Extension and Unrelenting Force. However, unlike those mods, Realistic Ragdolls and Force is aimed at achieving precisely what its name entails: making the game’s physics habits a lot more believable and lifelike.

While other physics mods may have more customization for effects like sending creatures flying with a single strike, none are able to create a more realistic simulation of in-game forces like heavy impacts and magic bursts believably hitting NPCs and monsters. Rather than a falling chair sending a guard halfway across Tamriel, this mod uses a combination of reduced force, higher gravity, and realistic bending of models to achieve a far more reasonable effect.

Realistic effects

With the mod enabled, you’ll notice a wide variety of changes to how forces impact creatures within your world of Skyrim. Magic and shouts no longer send creatures flying. They knock them back, but to a reasonable degree. When falling, character models now bend in believable ways, with their limbs following the correct joints and not being flailed about wildly on their way to the ground. 

Arrows now drop enemies to the floor, rather than the occasional arrow sending them hurtling across the street. Friction is increased and much more realistic as a whole.


The mod is compatiable with any mods that don’t directly alter the skeleton.nif file, responsible for creature skeleton behavior. The exceptions to this are XPSME and Custom Skeleton Replacers, both of which include settings to work with this mod. Other than that, there should be no issues getting this to work with any other mods for Elder Scrolls V.

Kill your enemies realistically

If you’re looking for a mod to add to your lore-friendly playthrough of game enhancements or just prefer a more realistic look to knocking down enemies, this mod is the perfect pick. It’s a great, low-impact addition to anyone who wants a bit of believability in the way that enemies crumple.

The mod doesn’t receive frequent updates since there aren’t exactly new features to add. The occasional bug fix and new version are released but don’t expect to see significant additions to a relatively simple add-on.