Purse Power

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PursePower – The First Way to Use Your Purchasing Power to Support Women-Owned and Women-Led Companies

PursePower is a free Chrome extension that allows you to purchase on businesses that are led by women in America. When you use PursePower with top shopping sites like Amazon and Google, every purchase you make shows these companies that you value women’s rights, and believe women deserve a spot – and equal voice – in every corporate boardroom.

Now you can use your purchasing power to help support women-owned and women-led companies across America.

PursePower helps you to ensure the voices of women-owned and women-led businesses are represented in business conversations, and every purchase you make shows these companies that you value women’s rights, and believe women deserve a spot – and equal voice – in every corporate boardroom.

The PursePower Chrome Extension scans the PursePower Database for women-owned and women-led companies. When you buy with these companies.