PRiMAgo 2

by Genevo for Android 13.0

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PRiMAgo 2: Remote Control for GENEVO PRiMA Control Panels

PRiMAgo 2 is a free Android application developed by Genevo that provides remote control functionality for GENEVO PRiMA control panels. With this app, users can conveniently arm and disarm their security systems, check the status of their system remotely, and even control appliances connected to the panel’s outputs, specifically for PRiMA64 and GSM8 models.

The PRiMAgo 2 app offers a user-friendly interface that allows for easy navigation and control of the GENEVO PRiMA control panels. Whether you want to activate your security system before leaving home or check on its status while away, PRiMAgo 2 provides a convenient solution. Additionally, the ability to control appliances connected to the panel’s outputs adds an extra level of convenience and flexibility to the user experience.