PM Ehsaas 25000 Monthly relief

by MobileSmartApps for Android 13.0

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A free program for Android, by MobileSmartApps.

This is an application that provides a detailed guide for people who are part of the Ehsas program. It is a free guide for the Ehsas program, which is a government initiative to help the poor and needy. The guide is available in both English and Urdu languages. The content is based on the latest information, which is available online.

How to use the application

You can use the application in two ways:

1) As a regular user:

A regular user can use this application by following the steps below:

Create an account: Click on “Create Account”

Enter your name and email address.

Click on “Create Account”, then click on “Login”.

You can also login using your mobile number.

2) As a user with special permissions:

This application can also be used by the following users:

The PM of Pakistan.

The Ehsas program manager.

The program’s administrator.

The user who is responsible for the Ehsas program.

The user who has been given the Ehsas program’s phone number.