PIP-Pad Mod

by PimpCrew for Windows 10

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Playing Fallout on a PIP-Pad

If you are wondering what a PIP-Pad is, then here is a simple explanation of what it is. A PIP-Pad is a device that can be used to control your games without having to use a computer. In short it is a handheld Pip-boy ready for anything you can throw its way. So jokes aside, the PIP Pad in the name is actually a hand held portable computer. This isn’t something made up, it is an actual product in the fallout world and thus chose the name.

Now, we all know that pip-boys can be used in Fallout games and other RPGs. However, if you want something less sophisticated and a little more fun, you can get your own game modding device. A game mod is simply what you make it to be. These can come in the form of music, movie, voice files, videos, etc. and all of them can be added on to what you already have. If you have a PIP-Pad, you can turn it into a game modding device.

I am sure there are many people that wonder how a PIP Pad can be used in Fallout. Well, this is because the PIP-Pad can be used to turn your handheld pip-boy ready for anything into something that anything. You can have something that is a radio, a weapon, or anything else you want. You can even add in a player’s stats, a perk tree, and whatever else you want. If you want this to be a long term thing, then you can keep adding to your devices and making it better with upgrades. If you want to get a good game play device, you will definitely want to check out a PIP-Pad.