Pen Paper Note APK

by GoNext for Android 9.0

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Pen Paper Note – A Sketching and Note-Taking App for Android

Pen Paper Note is a free Android app developed by GoNext that offers an easy-to-use interface for sketching, writing, and drawing. With this app, you can create notes, memos, messages, and to-do lists just like you would write on a paper. The app provides a simple editing experience and automatically saves your notes, making it a convenient tool for those who need to quickly jot down ideas or sketches.

The app comes with a SketchBoard feature that offers a blank page where you can write, draw, or scribble anything. You can choose from a variety of brushes, stickers, and text features to add some creativity to your sketches. The app also offers a gallery option to add images to your sketch board, and you can choose from a wide range of background colors, grids, and textures to give more texture to your sketch page. Once you’re done with your sketch, you can save and share it as an image.

Pen Paper Note also offers a Notes feature that allows you to create and manage notes. You can attach images from your phone gallery or take a photo from the camera to add to your notes. You can also attach any doc file with this note. The app provides a My SketchBook feature where you can review all your saved images or any work.