Otg Endoscope Camera View

by FastSoft for Android 9.0

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Otg Endoscope – The Best Inspection Camera For Android

Otg Endoscope Camera View is a very useful app for your smartphone or tablet. It is an app that allows you to control and watch devices with an endoscope camera, or any device that has the USB otg support.

To install the app, you just need to do is to open the app and install it.

It works very easily and is very user-friendly. To do this, just follow the steps below:

1. First, you need to open the app.

2. Choose the device.

3. Choose the setting.

4. If it is a USB camera or Borescope camera, you need to check if your device supports USB otg technology, or if your device does not support USB otg, then you need to check the settings in the settings to see if it supports USB otg or not.

5. Now you can connect the device and view the videos.

6. To view all the videos or to view the video you just recorded, you need to click on the camera icon in the settings.

To delete the pictures and videos, you can use the “Trash” icon in the settings.