Open Budget

by Moliya vazirligi Axborot texnologiyalari markazi for Android 13.0

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Open Budget – A Mobile App for Uzbekistan’s Open Budget Portal

Open Budget is a mobile application that provides easy access to Uzbekistan’s Open Budget portal. Developed by Moliya vazirligi Axborot texnologiyalari markazi, this app is available for Android users and is completely free to download and use.

The app falls under the Business & Productivity category and specifically under Finance subcategory. It allows users to view the budget plans and reports of the Uzbekistan government on their mobile devices. The app’s user interface is simple and easy to navigate, making it accessible to people with different levels of technical expertise.

Overall, Open Budget is a useful app for those who want to stay informed about the budget plans and reports of the Uzbekistan government. With its user-friendly interface and free availability, it is definitely worth checking out.