
by Oberpfalz Medien for Android 13.0

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Onetz: A Comprehensive News App with Premium Content

Onetz, developed by Oberpfalz Medien, is an Android app that provides users with the latest news from Oberpfalz, Bayern, and around the world. The app covers various topics, including Essen&Genießen, Historisches aus der Oberpfalz, OTon-junge Oberpfalz, Ratgeber&Service, and sports, among others.

The app is optimized for Android smartphones and offers an intuitive interface with easy navigation. Users can also choose to receive personalized push notifications. The app features videos, image galleries, newsletters, and podcasts.

While many articles are available for free, premium content (OnetzPlus) requires valid login credentials. The app also allows subscribers of ePaper editions of “Der neue Tag,” “Amberger Zeitung,” or “Sulzbach-Rosenberger Zeitung” to access premium content.

Overall, Onetz is a comprehensive news app that offers a wide range of news and information. However, it should be noted that the app is only available in German.