Oh My Zsh

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Manage Zsh configuration

Oh My Zsh is a free development kit that allows you to administer your Zsh configuration. A little background, Zsh or also fully known as Z shell is another UNIX-based systems shell that’s often used alternatively to Bash—default shell on tons of UNIX-based systems.

Formed by contributors from the community, it is an open-source framework that offers thousands of useful functions and helpers, among other things. Moreover, you’ll be able to easily browse through over 275 plugins and 150 themes. Oh My Zsh can be an excellent alternative to Python, PHP, and Hyper.

How to install and use

Before proceeding to installation, you must ensure that you’re meeting the prerequisites. For one, you should have a UNIX-like operating system either macOS, Linux, or BSD. For Windows, WSL2 is much preferred, but cygwin or msys can work. In addition, Zsh, curl, get and git should all be installed. You can install Oh My Zsh by running any of the curl, wget, or other similar tools’ command-line in your terminal.

You can refer to the plugins directory or wiki page to see all the plugins and themes available for you. Once you’ve spotted the certain plugin you’ll use, you need to go to your .zshrc file in order to enable them—it can be found in your home directory. Open it through your favorite text editor like Visual Studio Code, Vim, Emacs, etc. 

You’ll notice a provided space wherein you can list down all the plugins you wish to load. Keep in mind that plugins are already separated by whitespace thus, you must not use commas between them or it will break. To apply your preferred theme, on the other hand, you’ll have to edit the ~/.zshrc file. Just simply change the value to match the name of your desired theme.

Use Zsh with ease

For new and inexperienced users, Oh My Zsh will be a handy program that can help you effortlessly manage Zsh configurations. It enables a comfortable experience to use the terminal and on top of that, it’s heavily packed with elegant themes and valuable plugins to freely choose from. This efficient solution is highly recommended to flatten the learning curve when switching to the Z shell.