NoVirusThanks Win Update Stop

by NoVirusThanks for Windows 8

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Disable automatic Windows Updates

NoVirusThanks Win Update Stop is a utility tool for desktop computers developed by NoVirusThanks. Free to download and use, this program allows users to temporarily disable Windows Updates from being automatically downloaded and installed whenever new ones are released and become available for their operating system.

Similar to Windows Update Blocker, NoVirusThanks Win Update Stop is a simple program that you can use to manually enable or disable automatic updates from happening in computers running Windows. With this, you could avoid incompatibility issues or postpone them to a more convenient time.

How do I use NoVirusThanks Win Update Stop?

NoVirusThanks Win Update Stop features a simple and compact user interface that allows you to use it immediately upon launching. There are only three buttons that you can use to operate this app. The first two are appropriately labeled as Enable and Disable functions for updates. The third is Open Windows Updates, which opens up the main Windows Update settings.

To start, choose from one of the two options and click on it. You will see an animation in the progress bar below them. It will then display a message notification indicating that the task is complete. Depending on which one you chose, updates will be locked, or new ones will appear when you click on the check for update button on the main Windows Updates settings menu.

One neat feature is that you can exempt Windows Defender Updates from being disabled, ensuring up-to-date virus definitions and malware protection. Also, if you choose Enterprise Edition, you can remotely manage multiple PCs from a single machine. Be aware, though. The app is available on a free trial only, unlike similar solutions. You’ll have to avail yourself of one of its purchase options if you want to continue using it.

Handy but with a caveat

In summary, NoVirusThanks Win Update Stop does what it’s supposed to. It’s fast and lightweight, simple to use, and it can even exempt important updates for Windows Defender. It only has a free trial, though, and unless you really need the remote access and control feature from its Enterprise Edition, there are other free alternatives that do the job just as well.