NiSi ND Calculator

by NiSi Filters for Android 13.0

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NiSi ND Calculator: A Precise Exposure Time Calculator for Photographers

The NiSi ND Calculator is a free Android app developed by NiSi Filters that helps photographers calculate precise exposure times using various ND filters. This app eliminates the guesswork in determining the correct exposure time, making it easier for photographers to achieve the perfect shot.

The app can also be used as a trigger and timer to control the NiSi Bluetooth Wireless Remote, providing greater flexibility and convenience. With a user-friendly interface, the NiSi ND Calculator is easy to navigate and allows users to input the necessary parameters, such as filter density and shutter speed, to calculate the correct exposure time. This app is a must-have tool for any photographer looking to achieve the perfect shot with the help of ND filters.