NHL GameCenter 2010

by National Hockey League for iOS 3.0

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Keep track of your Stanley Cup favorites all in one place

NHL GameCenter 2010 is an app for the iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch that lets you keep track of all the hockey action going into this year’s Stanley Cup.

If you’re an avid hockey fan, you’ll want to keep track of every hockey game leading up to the Stanley Cup finals this year. Despite its somewhat misleading name, NHL GameCenter 2010 can keep you up to date on how each eligible NHL team is doing in the lead-up to the 2011 Stanley Cup finals.

NHL GameCenter 2010 gives you the opportunity to keep up with all the latest NHL news. The app has a built-in newsfeed where you can read full hockey news articles. NHL GameCenter 2010 even lets you share stories with friends and family on Twitter or Facebook. There are also playlists so you can see which team is scheduled to play each other as the tournament progresses. A convenient list of teams is available as well for you to obtain more specific information.

Unfortunately, NHL GameCenter 2010 doesn’t have any sort of live audio broadcast for fans to listen to the games live while on the go. This would’ve been ideal for people who don’t have time to sit around watching every single game.

As a source to keep up with scores and basic Stanley Cup news, NHL GameCenter 2010 is a decent option.