New Monster Hunter Rise Icons

by RadicalGator for

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A free mod for Monster Hunter Rise, by RadicalGator.

This mod for Monster Hunter Rise is a visual delight. It contains a series of customized icons for the heftier monsters in the game (the author plans to have the smaller ones catch up in future updates).

So what should you expect?

The author of this mod is a very skilled artist whose drawings are often intricately detailed and vibrant. 

Detail and vibrancy – well, the art she had crafted for this mod certainly have those – and then a lot of whimsy, rich and striking colors, and a nostalgic, traditional charm so that the icons look like a set of high quality stickers from the 90s. Because of this, the monsters look rather… adorable – bared teeth and all.

One player who had fervently praised the work – and even declared it was, by far, the best icon mod – marveled at the fact that – with a single look at any of the icons, they never get confused – they recognize exactly who or what the monster is – which seldom happens with game icons, it seems.