Navicat (SQL Server GUI)

by PremiumSoft CyberTech Ltd. for Windows 7

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Navicat for SQL Server gives you a fully graphical approach to database management and administration.

Navicat for SQL Server gives you a fully graphical approach to database management and administration. You can create, edit and delete all database objects such as tables, views, functions, indexes and triggers, or you can execute SQL queries and scripts, view and edit table data including BLOBs and HEX, and represent tables and its relations as an ER diagram. You can connect to any local/remote SQL Servers. It works with SQL Server 2000, 2005, 2008, 2008R2, 2012, and compatible with SQL Azure. Navicat for SQL Server allows you to create graphical representations of a relational database, import data from ODBC, synchronize data between different SQL Server, batch job scheduling. It also includes a full featured graphical manager for setting

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DBA, Database Developers, Database Engineers, Database Administrator, Database users.