mRPG – Chat app to play RPGs

by Ensemble Technologies LTDA ME for iOS 12.1.2

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mRPG: Chat RPG Game

Welcome to mRPG: Chat RPG game with your friends to play RPGs in real time. mRPG is the first chat RPG where players can play with their friends when they can, without having to find a timetable that everyone is available at the same time and without having to spend a great deal of time to devote to an RPG adventure.

The first thing you need to do in mRPG is to create a campaign and create your characters. All your characters will be created with their own templates that the GM will assign to each player. Every player is in charge of their character sheet. In this way, you can create a campaign that every player can play in.

Each player is assigned a role, one player is the narrator, and the other is the player. Both players and the GM can speak.

In the first phase of the game, you will be introduced to the game system, the players can roll dice and see the results, and it’s time for you to choose your role. The GM will create the character template and the players can create their characters according to the template. Then, you will be introduced to the rules of the game.

You can play any RPG you want, there is no limitation.