Morphing Watch Face

by thema for Android 13.0

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A free program for Android, by thema.

The most popular Android Wear watch faces have finally arrived for your Android Wear smartwatches.

Morphing Watch Face is an amazing new way to interact with your smartwatch. Not only does it look amazing, but you can also do tons of awesome things with it.

To get started, simply install the app, launch it, and follow the installation instructions. After that, you can start setting up your smartwatch and select your favorite watch face!

To do that, simply open the Android Wear app on your phone, select the watch face you want, and choose the settings. That’s it!

Now, you can choose the settings for your smartwatch. You can change the color and even add an animated image on the screen!

This watch face is compatible with both the new Android Wear smartwatches and the old Android Wear watches.