MindMaple Pro v1.3

by MindMaple Inc. for Windows 8

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Map Out Your Thoughts with this App

MindMaple Pro v1.3 is a project management app that helps improve your productivity. With this mind-mapping software, you can easily and efficiently plan various types of projects, tasks, and even topics of discussion. Using the base design of a traditional mind map chart, MindMaple lets you set the different branches and threads of your “mindmap” with its labeling tools and numerous customization options. It’s easy to use, and the smooth-looking interface reminds you of Microsoft Office’s chart maker feature. You can share the mindmaps with your friends and coworkers, whether they’re for an event you’re planning or a presentation you need to deliver. It even works great for just simple brainstorming

MindMaple Pro is mind mapping software created for educators, anyone organizing projects and brainstorming with visual maps.

MindMaple Pro software that is perhaps the most inexpensive business level mind mapping utility on the market. MindMaple Pro gives you a robust set of tools that you can use for brainstorming, note taking, organizing, and managing projects by stimulating both sides of the brain through use of visual contents and maps.

With an emphasis towards the creative and educational users, this software has been tailored around the needs of this demographic.

MindMaple Pro can be used as education software to help students take notes on lectures, books, and discussions. MindMaple Pro allows you to structure and categorize information visually, which allows you to maintain a focus on details as well as the bigger picture. This can help to improve your studying and learning experience. Start a mind map with a new topic to illustrate a distinction. Use arrows, images, and attachments to show relationships and enrich your notes.

Or how about using MindMaple Pro to plan your next trip? There are a number of features such as budget, cost, notes, and attachments to help you organize and map out all the details to ensure your trip is the best it can be.

Aside from being one of the most inexpensive mind mapping utilities on the market, this software has been developed with specific input from people in both the creative and education sectors. MindMaple Pro is a great tool for organizing plans and ideas for projects. Start with a basic outline of topics, and continue expanding upon each topic. There is always room to expand your map. MindMaple Pro makes it easy to collaborate with friends and colleagues.

Since this software has been developed with input from people in both the creative and education sectors, it naturally makes an ideal program for this demographic.