Million Dollar Home Design

by cookapps for Android 9.0

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A free app for Android, by CookApps.

Welcome to the most exciting and creative world of home design!

Million Dollar Home Design is a world where you can become the best home designer, create, and renovate your own dream homes, and live the luxe life of a billionaire. Design your own dream house and enjoy the creative process, from start to finish.

Design and renovate homes in this virtual world. Build, create, and customize your dream houses. Make them look beautiful and live like a billionaire. 

Play the game with a fun and creative community of like-minded players.

Design and renovate with millions of possible combinations. Choose from the most popular home decor brands in the world. 

What makes the game so special?

You can create and design your dream house, and play with a fun and creative community of like-minded players.