Messenger Matic – Messenger CRM

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Messenger Matic – Messenger CRM Chrome Extension

Messenger Matic is a Messenger CRM that allows users to tag and manage people, providing a sorted view of their pipeline. Designed for those involved in organic marketing using their Facebook profile, Messenger Matic helps optimize and organize a Sales Pipeline directly within Facebook Messenger and the extension itself.

The Lead Manager feature allows users to track all their leads within Messenger Matic. By clicking on a tag, users can view the list of people associated with that tag. Additionally, tags can be customized with different colors for easier identification within the Messenger CRM.

The Notifications feature enables users to create reminders within the Chrome extension. This ensures that users receive alerts at the specified time, preventing them from missing important events.

With the Canned Response feature, users will no longer have to repeatedly type the same message. They can simply type it once and send it to someone with just a few clicks.

Overall, Messenger Matic – Messenger CRM Chrome Extension provides a convenient and efficient way to tag, organize, and manage leads within Messenger.