Medical Surgical Instruments APK

by dagana Apps for Android 9.0

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Types of Instruments in the App

In this app, you will find medical and surgical instruments. All of them are organized by the kind of medical or surgical operation. Some of the instruments are general and some are specific.

What are the types of instruments in the app?


This tool is used to cut biological tissues. It is used for operations such as the removal of body tissue (e.g., skin), vascular tissue (e., arteries), internal organs (e., bladder), etc. The most common types of scalpel include dermatomes, ophthalmic scissors, forceps, hatchet, and hatchet forceps.


A tourniquet is a tool that is used to stop blood flow in a specific part of the body, usually a limb, in order to limit the spread of infection, prevent deep vein thrombosis, or help with first aid. The tool is primarily used during orthopedic surgeries, but it is also used during cardiothoracic and neurosurgical procedures. There are several types of tourniquet, including the one made of rubber bands, the one that uses an inflatable bladder, and the one with an occlusion cuff.


This tool is used to stop bleeding from a wound or injury. Hemostats come in two different forms, either as self-expanding or closed devices. In the former, they are used to stop internal bleeding; in the latter, they are used to stop bleeding from wounds.

Surgical aspirator

This tool is used to remove material from the body. It is used for operations such as removal of lung or kidney stones, bronchoalveolar lavage, or collection of urine, etc. This tool is used mainly during urological, gynecological, and neonatal procedures.