Mailto: for Gmail™

by Chris for

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Mailto: for Gmail™

Mailto: for Gmail™ is a Chrome extension that allows mailto: links to open in a Gmail compose window. With this extension, users can easily compose emails in Gmail without having to manually copy and paste email addresses.

This extension supports Google Apps accounts and works on javascript-inserted links. It also includes an option to work on bcc: fields and can open emails in a new window instead of the default tab.

Mailto: for Gmail™ supports to, cc, subject, and body fields, and is compatible with RFC2368, the mailto: scheme standard. It does not modify the mailto:address itself, allowing users to still see the link in the status bar when hovering over it.

Some users have reported the need to restart the browser for the extension to work, although this has not been the case for all users.

For more information, users can refer to the RFC2368 – The mailto URL scheme and mailto links test page.

Please note that the extension’s privacy policy ensures that no personal information is stored or transmitted.