Livret Drive: A Comprehensive Guide for Novice Motorists
The app offers a comprehensive guide for novice motorists by allowing them to find out about the conditions of the exam and view the list of 32 skills to work on and validate for the test. With Livret Drive, students can track their educational progress by skill and self-assess on each of the objectives. The app also enables students to record new trips made in accompanied or supervised driving and view the journeys already made.
In addition, Livret Drive helps students to find the documents required for the test, including the certificate of end of initial training, certificate of end of accompanied driving, and cerfa 02. The app is an excellent tool for students to guide their progress with the help of their trainer, graduate teacher of road safety, or their guide.
Overall, Livret Drive is an essential app for novice motorists who want to master the skills required for safe driving.