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Live Writing – Real Time Process Of Writing

The Live Writing Plugin is an extension that enables you to view the live output of any Ace Editor or CodeMirror editor on the page you are on.

This tool was created with the goal of understanding the process of real-time writing by watching how people type in their text editor. To achieve this, we implemented a way to capture what the editor is seeing as a user types their text. With this, we can analyze and see how the text is being entered, as well as how the word is being changed when the user deletes a letter or change the font style.

The extension is compatible with Ace and CodeMirror editors. The plugin has a link to the Live Writing website so that users can view the recordings they’ve made.

For users who use Ace Editor, their recordings are stored in the ‘Live Writing’ section on the Ace website.

To view a recording, visit the link provided in the extension.