
by Bloomsbury Health for

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Litebox: Efficiently Share Snippets of Imaging Studies

Litebox is a browser-based extension developed by Bloomsbury Health for Google Chrome. This free program aims to streamline the process of transferring medical imaging studies to mobile devices. With Litebox, doctors can easily and safely share snippets of imaging studies such as MRI, CT, Ultrasound, and Angiography for emergency clinical decision-making.

Litebox goes beyond just medical imaging studies and allows users to record anything on their desktop screen, including pathology reports. The program records the entire desktop screen and creates a local or ‘lite’ compressed video file, which can be uploaded to the referapatient® record, ensuring data compliance.

To use Litebox, simply install the extension from the Chrome Web Store. Once installed, the Litebox logo will appear in the browser’s toolbar. Clicking on the logo will provide instructions on how to begin recording. During recording, the logo will be replaced with a red square, which can be clicked to stop the recording. After saving the Litebox file, it can be easily uploaded to referapatient for further analysis and sharing.

Litebox is an invaluable tool for medical professionals who need to share snippets of imaging studies quickly and securely. Whether you have a mobile PACS or not, Litebox provides a data-compliant solution for transferring medical imaging in an efficient and user-friendly way.