Learn Hindi through Tamil

by agurchand for Android 13.0

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Learn Hindi through Tamil – A Great App for Learning Hindi

Learn Hindi through Tamil is an Android app that helps you learn Hindi without the need to learn Hindi letters. The app has a collection of 600 Hindi words and 500 commonly used Hindi sentences with audio, enabling you to successfully learn Hindi on your own.

The app has an intuitive interface with easy navigation, and it is completely functional offline. One of the most notable features of the app is the ability to touch a word or sentence to listen to the pronunciation. Additionally, you can long-press on a word or sentence to add it to your favorite list for future reference. The search functionality is also a great feature that allows you to quickly find specific words or phrases.

Overall, Learn Hindi through Tamil is a great app for anyone who wants to learn Hindi. It is perfect for those who are just starting to learn the language or those who want to improve their Hindi skills. The app is free to download and use, making it accessible to anyone who is interested in learning Hindi.