Learn Greek – Speak Greek APK

by ATi Studios for Android 13.0

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Learn Greek with Mondly App

Mondly is an Android app that allows you to learn Greek with just 5 minutes of daily practice. This app is a quick fix that will teach you core Greek words and phrases for conversation, just like a phrasebook. It is a great tutor for beginners who want to study verbs, pronunciation, and how to speak like a native with daily practice. The app starts with a basic conversation between two people, and you start memorizing core words, use them to build sentences and phrases, and at the end of a 45-minutes module, you can reconstruct that conversation with your own voice.

Mondly uses state-of-the-art Natural Speech Recognition and Spaced Repetition Algorithms to make the app effective for learning languages. It is equipped with crystal-clear audio and professional voice actors, and the app knows exactly how to listen to your Greek words and phrases. You will only get positive feedback if you speak Greek clearly and correctly, which will improve your pronunciation. The app also offers useful phrases for real situations and breaks down the learning process into bite-size chunks, putting them into themed packs of lessons. In addition, the app uses intelligent reporting, so you can always follow your progress, and the Leaderboard allows you to compete with people from all over the world to become the best learner in the Mondly family.