learn English for presentation APK

by Innovative K for Android 9.0

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A free app for Android, by Innovative K.

Presentation is an essential part of the academic and professional career. However, speaking in a formal manner and using proper grammar can be a difficult task, especially if you have never done it before. 

If you are planning to give a presentation in the future, this app is a must have. It is an easy to use and effective tool for preparing and presenting in English. 

In this app, we have included a basic outline of the presentation, as well as the most important words, phrases, and sentences that you need to remember and use in your presentation.

The basic structure of a presentation is as follows:

Introduction: This part of the presentation is usually the first and most important part. It is used to give the audience a brief overview of the topic you are going to discuss. 

The aim of the presentation is to communicate your ideas to the audience, and the most effective way to do this is by using the language you are comfortable with. 

The audience will be able to understand your ideas better if they can hear your words and see your examples.

The most important words and phrases: This part of the presentation is used to tell your audience what you are going to say. 

The aim of this part is to give the audience a clear idea of what you are going to say.