LastPass: Free Password Manager

by LastPass for Windows XP

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Free software to manage and access passwords

LastPass: Free Password Manager is a useful tool for those who are constantly struggling to remember their passwords. This software can be used across multiple devices, so users are able to enjoy superior levels of flexibility without compromising sensitive information. It also provides an automatic login option for websites that are visited on a regular basis. Users can upgrade to a premium version if desired.

Functions and Usability

LastPass: Free Password Manager has been developed in a way to cater to those who might not be entirely familiar with more complicated user interfaces. All details are presented in a centralised fashion and navigating between different websites can be accomplished with the click of a button. Another interesting function offered by this platform is that additional personal details can be stored for future retrieval. Credit card information and even shopping profiles can help to streamline the online buying process.

Other Tools and Options

LastPass: Free Password Manager can also act as a file storage centre, as it is possible to save other data such as images and PDF documents. These files can be changed, modified or deleted if required. Anyone who is concerned about their online safety will be happy to know that this package comes equipped with a password generator.