JB – TPP MOD WIP third person

by Jelle Bakker for Windows 10

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JB – TPP MOD WIP 3.0 Game Review

JB – TPP MOD is a third person, WIP RPG (role playing game) created by Jelle Bakker. It is the game mod for Cyberpunk2077, the ultimate RPG mod for those who love cyberpunk and sci-fi alike. JB is a cyberpunk RPG (Role playing game) that is based on the world of cybernetical warfare. It was created by JB – TPP MOD as a stand-alone game and as a supplement to Cyberpunk2077.

The story of JB – TPP MOD begins with a mysterious stranger who contacts you and asks for your help in investigating a cyberwarfare incident in Japan. He tells you that his partner in the investigation has been killed in the attack, and that there is a terrorist plot going on in Tokyo. The mysterious stranger tells you that he will give you the information you need if you agree to go into cyberspace and find and assist him in his investigation. You agree to help him, and head out to Tokyo to investigate the cyberwarfare case. You find out that there are cyber-terrorists in the area and one of them has a plan to infiltrate the computer system at the Lucky Dragon Bank, one of the most important banks in Tokyo.

In the end, you are requested by the mysterious stranger to head to Bangkok, the Thai capital to get the job done. You enter cyberspace and are forced to defend yourself against waves of cyber terrorists who use special attacks to kill you. They have also stolen data from the Lucky Dragon Bank’s computers. After defending yourself and killing a few more of their troops, you are finally rescued by a helicopter, which takes you to the top of a tall skyscraper where you engage the terrorists in a gun battle. This JB – TPP MOD WIP game ends with a shocking cliffhanger, just when you thought things couldn’t get any better.