Jay Brain

by Jaybrain for Windows XP

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Smart, reliable, very fast and small audio player

Jay Brain is a very original audio player both in its graphical design and functionalities. It supports many popular formats and also Internet streams, which can be conveniently added to an auto-saving playlist.

Jay Brain’s functionality is a bit tricky. All tasks are showed under the same window, even when you browse Windows File Explorer to add music to the playlist. This can sometimes lead to confusion but once you get used to it it’s no big deal.

Audio quality in Jay Brain is good and what’s more, can be tweaked with some special effects. The program can also find the lyrics for the song you’re listening to on the web.

Jay Brain is meant to be a basic audio player that can be extended with more features by means of plug-ins, but unfortunately I couldn’t find any. I would have specially appreciated a new skin, as the one included by default makes menus hard to read. Hopefully more coders will join the project in the future (thanks to the GPL licence) and we’ll see a super-powered Jay Brain later on.

A small audio player with support for many formats and very promising features.

This free application has a unique pluggable system based on the neuronal idea that the core of the application, called “brain”, has its functionality extended by the so called “cells” and “tissues”.

Interface can be changed to match user’s visual preferences with skins. It is made simple and intuitive, following the KISS rule.

All the important features are available by window’s controls or main popup menu. Frames are placed inside the same window to give a compact look and to avoid confusion.