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Say goodbye to wrong names and tags in your music collection

Organizing my MP3 collection is one those epic tasks I’m constantly postponing. The thought of having to rename, re-edit and fix thousands of files sends shivers down my spine.

If you’re in the same situation, let me give you a simple piece of advice: Jaikoz. This full featured tag editor will put an end to all those music files with wrong tags (or no tags at all), garbled names, no cover image and other similar problems.

The best thing about Jaikoz is that manual editing is limited to the minimum. The program connects to online music databases and downloads all the necessary data to fill in tag fields, correct file names, get album covers, and even download lyrics. Of course, you also have the possibility to fine-tune all these changes manually and see a preview before actually applying them. As an extra, Jaikoz can automatically synchronize the new data with your iTunes library.

Jaikoz is definitely a very powerful tag editor, making the task of organizing a massive music collection a bit easier and faster. On the downside, the program offers so much information and such a handful of options that its interface may feel overwhelming at first sight. Simply take your time to get used to it, because it’s really worth it.

With Jaikoz you can rename files, fix mistakes and edit ID tags in your music files in a much easier, comfortable way.

Autocorrect Metadata from Musicbrainz is now primarily release based, this means it will try very hard to find releases that match groups of songs, and songs already saved in an album folder or with the same value in the release field will not get split up after autcorrectionBy default Jaikoz ignores any artwork found by the autocorrecters if less than 130×130 pixels in size, you can set this in Local Correct/Artwork Correct/Ignore artwork smaller than this.By default Jaikoz resizes any artwork found by the autocorrecters if larger than 800×800 pixels in size, you can set this in Resize artwork if dimensions larger than.Added Match to Release/Match Songs to Musicbrainz Release by Barcode which is useful if you are converting your physical discs/records and have the barcode availableBy default when there is a link from a Musicbrainz to a Discogs Release the song is updated from Discogs as Added Set Value and Paste as column menu options so you can easily apply changes to whole columns.Added Musicbrainz/AmpliFind/Maximum Cpus to use when retrieving Acoustic Ids, this defaults to one but can be increased to the number of cpus of your computerAdded General/Database/Database Folder so that you can specify a different location for the Jaikoz database file.Added option Preferences:Remote Correct:Match:Only Match complete releases that will only do a match if all songs in a grouping match to one albumAdded options Preferences:Remote Correct:Discogs:Only match if matches to Musicbrainz release which is useful if you are an editor of Musicbrainz or Discogs and only want to find matches to Discogs if their metadata matches the corresponding Musicbrainz release, no attempt is made to match to Discogs songs without a Musicbrainz Id


  • Autocorrect Metadata from Musicbrainz is now primarily release based, this means it will try very hard to find releases that match groups of songs, and songs already saved in an album folder or with the same value in the release field will not get split up after autcorrectionBy default Jaikoz ignores any artwork found by the autocorrecters if less than 130×130 pixels in size, you can set this in Local Correct/Artwork Correct/Ignore artwork smaller than this.By default Jaikoz resizes any artwork found by the autocorrecters if larger than 800×800 pixels in size, you can set this in Resize artwork if dimensions larger than.Added Match to Release/Match Songs to Musicbrainz Release by Barcode which is useful if you are converting your physical discs/records and have the barcode availableBy default when there is a link from a Musicbrainz to a Discogs Release the song is updated from Discogs as Added Set Value and Paste as column menu options so you can easily apply changes to whole columns.Added Musicbrainz/AmpliFind/Maximum Cpus to use when retrieving Acoustic Ids, this defaults to one but can be increased to the number of cpus of your computerAdded General/Database/Database Folder so that you can specify a different location for the Jaikoz database file.Added option Preferences:Remote Correct:Match:Only Match complete releases that will only do a match if all songs in a grouping match to one albumAdded options Preferences:Remote Correct:Discogs:Only match if matches to Musicbrainz release which is useful if you are an editor of Musicbrainz or Discogs and only want to find matches to Discogs if their metadata matches the corresponding Musicbrainz release, no attempt is made to match to Discogs songs without a Musicbrainz Id