Iron Guardian

by gypynkt games for Windows 8

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Mecha cyberpunk game for PC

Iron Guardian is a free adventure title for PC created by an indie developer who goes by the name gypynkt. It is a mecha robot game that features a cyberpunk theme and setting. It was an entry in the Game Creator Jam 2022 and was built in just 10 days.

Just like War Tech Fighters, Iron Guardian features detailed and intricate designs for its mecha models and similar futuristic dystopian setting. While the former focuses on fast-paced action and combat, the latter is more about exploring its world and solving various platforming challenges and obstacles.

What a short development cycle can achieve

Making a video game is hard. The processes involved, from developing a concept to designing, and conducting multiple tests, all factor into how long it will take to finish. However, with all the development tools and conveniences available to devs today, development time can be reduced by a fair amount, and Iron Guardian is a great example of what can be done within a short time frame.

This game is a cyberpunk-themed mecha adventure that was built in just 10 days. Given this fact, what it was able to achieve is quite an impressive feat, with its polished and highly detailed graphics. In it, you’re on a quest to search for parts you need to fix an abandoned mecha you found, and be able to traverse and explore a vast dystopian world.

Along the way, you’ll encounter various platforming challenges and obstacles, and you’ll need to solve and overcome them to get rare and special parts. Now, in its current state, the game is only around three hours long depending on how you play. While that is admittedly on the short side, the development is still ongoing and more content will be coming in future updates.

An impressive feat

Iron Guardian is a pretty cool game and is a testament to how advanced development tools and techniques have come in the last decade. While it’s not quite a full game in terms of gameplay and scope, it makes up for it with detailed and polished graphics and design. It also signals a future wherein devs can achieve more with fewer resources. What an amazing job.