Free app for football fans
If you are looking for basic football information and quick facts about its prominent players, İnat Box may be the sports app for you. It is filled with details you may not know about or need to be reminded of, all of which are written in Turkish. The user interface is super simple and straightforward, too.
İnat Box presents the meaning of football, a quick recap of its history, and background information about its most popular players in a plain list. This free app gives you easy access to data you may be interested in.
Football information and history
Football is unarguably one of the most popular sports in the world, to the point that it is named differently in some countries and regions. Due to that popularity, lots of apps about it have been developed. Some of those are simulators like eFootball 2023 or FTS 19, while others are information-rich programs like İnat Box. This app houses interesting sports data you probably have never read before.
All of the information is accessible through the main menu. You can click on a topic and it will lead you to a different screen showing the details. On this app, you will find a brief history of the sport and short biographies of prominent names like Lionel Messi, Cristiano Ronaldo, and more. There are extra links for the copyright and troubleshooting options in case the app is not working.
Moreover, there is an option to play a football game. If you click on it, you will see a menu in which you can name different teams under different colors. However, if you click on the button at the bottom, nothing happens. A congratulatory message pops up on the screen, but no game commences. Furthermore, the app does not do anything else aside from being a receptacle of some information.
Is it worth trying?
İnat Box provides basic football information in an easily accessible manner. The user interface is very simple and not at all complicated, so anyone can use it without a hitch. However, the supposed play-a-game feature does not work at all, and the details about football and its players are not that extensive. You may be better off getting your football information through Google instead.